1. A 3D printed finger.
2. A strip of overhead plastic that will be used to hold the parts of the finger together.
3. Plastic, clear fishermans wire to make the different parts of the finger move.
4. Arduino board (preferably arduino nano) with accesses to a laptop to code and USB connecters.
5.A SG90 microservo that will be used as a motor.
6. A 2.2" Flex Sensor that will help the bionic finger calibrate the same as your other fingers.
7. Batteries if you would like to use your finger when it is not plugged into a laptop.
8. A sturdy wooden board or anything like it to glue the components down.
9. A latex glove to glue the flex sensor onto.
10. A hot glue gun to glue the compartments together.
Firstly cut the strip of overhead plastic so it fits well in the gaps in your 3D printed finger. Using the hot glue gun secure it making sure the length is similar to your own fingers. You may like to double it up as it will be stronger and fit better.
Then using the fishermans wire, thread it through the holes of your finger securing it at the top with hot glue. With the other end, making sure you have left enough wire to then tie to one or two of the holes in your micro server. If you need you can secure it with hot glue as well.
Next you will need to attach the wires from the microserver to the digital pins in your arduino, making sure the brown wire attaches to attaches to G, the yellow wire attaching to S and the red wire attaching to V. (This is if you are using arduino nano).
After this you should attach the flex sensor wires to the analog pins. This time the colour of the wire is irrelevant just making sure you attach to G and S.
Now you will need to hot glue your 3D finger to the wooden board along with the microserver. Make sure the server is far enough that the fishermans wire is taught but still allowing the finger to return to an original position. You will also need to hot glue your flex sensor to a finger on the latex glove.
Finally attach the USB to the computer and download the code (that you will learn if you click the button "How to Code") onto your arduino.